Why Starting at the End Makes Sense
You’re considering cosmetic treatment. To have reached this point, you have been paying attention to the way your body looks, and there is something about your appearance that you feel could be better. Chances are you already know that cosmetic surgery does not “fix” anything and that there is nothing “wrong” with you to begin with. Your sense of self will not stem from cosmetic surgery, though your sense of confidence may improve. These are precursors to successful cosmetic surgery. What isn’t necessarily vital to the process is seeking information from unreliable sources, and yet that is often the starting point from which patients launch.
We suggest another approach. If you would like to improve something about your appearance, rather than poll friends and colleagues; rather than ask Google, call your cosmetic surgeon. In our San Jose area office, Dr. Rosenthal starts at the end, which makes perfect sense in the grand scheme of things.
The Usual Process
What often happens during the journey to cosmetic surgery is a person settles in on a potential procedure. For example, a woman may visit our office with the statement “I want liposuction for this stubborn belly fat.” During the consultation discussion, one of the major questions to be answered is “what is the desired outcome?” The answer is usually something like “I want a flatter stomach.” To get that flat stomach may need more than liposuction, though. Often, especially with women, the stomach is also affected by stretching of the abdominal muscles. Therefore, for the midsection to truly be flattened out, we also need the abdominoplasty.
Honing in on a singular procedure may seem logical. However, optimal results from cosmetic treatment come from getting straight to the heart of the matter: what is it you want to look like? The answer to this question can help you, and your surgeon develop the most appropriate treatment plan to achieve your expectations. Because cosmetic surgery is all about outcome and expectations, this is the only way that we can see to approach patient care.
So, if you have consulted with a plastic surgeon and discovered a different recommendation than you expected, there is a reason. To get the right path, you’ve got to start at the end.
Learn more about the cosmetic treatments available in our Campbell office. Call (408) 559-4700.