Mommy Makeover: Timing is Everything!
Mothers are some of the busiest people on the planet. In the midst of managing children and relationships and housework, not to mention hobbies and professional endeavors, mothers have a knack for putting everything and everyone else in a position of importance. This habit continues even when research supports claims that mothers who prioritize their own needs get more done than those who consistently run on empty.
We know you may have a difficult time riding that line between giving yourself a few pleasures here and there, and are here to support you with personal, friendly care that helps you harness your inner beauty and bring it to the forefront, where you get to enjoy it on a daily basis. One way that Mothers go the extra mile down Self Love Street is to schedule a Mommy Makeover.
Mommy Makeover: Why and When?
There are numerous personal reasons that may propel a woman toward cosmetic surgery after pregnancy and motherhood. Ultimately, what happens is that diet and exercise achieve only so much. When a muscle, connective tissue, and skin have been stretched to extraordinary boundaries, there is little that can be done to repair them. The best solution in many cases is surgery.
The question of when is a little trickier than deciding why to have a Mommy Makeover. Some of the factors that a woman needs to consider include:
- The future of the family. It is not dangerous to become pregnant after a surgery like liposuction or abdominoplasty. The primary reason that patients are encouraged to postpone a Mommy Makeover until they are finished expanding their family is that pregnancy can negate the effects of their procedure.
- Weight goals. Weight loss after childbirth deserves a well-rounded approach. Before cosmetic surgery, it is ideal to implement healthy eating and exercise habits that will facilitate a return to your goal weight. Surgery may be performed when you are within about 15 pounds of the weight that is healthy for your height and frame. Ultimately, reaching this goal means getting the best and longest lasting results from your Mommy Makeover.
- As you are probably aware, your breasts change quite frequently when you are breastfeeding, expanding and deflating dramatically within a matter of hours. This process can permanently alter the fullness of the breasts. However, skin tissue may tighten somewhat after breastfeeding ends, and after hormone levels balance out. Giving time for this to happen means having the best idea of what is needed from your cosmetic surgeon.
Learn more about the body contouring procedures involved in a Mommy Makeover. Call our Campbell office at (408) 559-4700.