The Transformational Effects of Breast Reduction
Your body is the physical representation of You. Nothing about it should create physical discomfort or a sense of self-consciousness. The fact of the matter is, though, that these and other sensations are common due to age or, in the instance of breast size, genetics. Breast size is a hot topic, and one that we must remember has two sides. While we commonly focus on the subject of breast augmentation, there is also good reason to discuss the disruption that may be caused by breasts that are not conversely disproportionate with body frame.
Contrary to the message many women get, having large breasts isn’t always something to be thankful for. The larger breasts are, the heavier they are, the more susceptible they are to sagging, the more their weight pulls on the upper back and neck, the more unwanted attention a woman may endure. You get the idea.
Breast reduction surgery, like breast augmentation, is often perceived as a cosmetic procedure. However, any woman who has reduced and refined the shape of her breasts will tell you: it’s much more than that.
New Body, New Livelihood
One of the primary reasons that we suppose breast reduction procedures are sought is because the pull of weight on the chest wall creates discomfort across the structures that must support it. In this case, it’s the shoulders and neck that suffer. Breast reduction can put an end to the uncomfortable persistence of indentations where bra straps dig into the skin. Additionally, women also tend to feel much more comfortable when the muscles in the shoulders and neck are no longer under such strain.
Breast reduction is largely about physical comfort, but there are also enormous gains in the area of health and wellness, social confidence, and in overall well-being. Because large breasts can be difficult to support, many women confess that they are apprehensive to engage in exercise to stay fit and healthy. Large breasts are also often the focal point of attention, creating social and professional awkwardness. Clothing options, as well, are limited for women with large breasts due to misaligned body proportions from the upper body to the lower body.
Breast reductions are performed with the intent of creating more harmony across the body frame, and more comfort for you. To learn more about this procedure, call (408) 559-4700. We gladly serve patients from the San Jose and Los Gatos areas.