So, You Want a Mommy Makeover
Virtually no mother would argue that there aren’t immensely rewarding benefits to motherhood. At the same time, virtually every mother, at some point, feels a little sad about the way her body has changed. Small changes like some stretch marks here and there, or a slight degree of abdominal looseness, may be relatively tolerable. However, more significant cosmetic changes can degrade a woman’s self-confidence and satisfaction. It is in these situations when a Mommy Makeover may be a truly advantageous decision.
If you’re a mom who wants to restore your pre-pregnancy shape, you may be wondering how long you have to wait to consult with a plastic surgeon. Understandably, it can be difficult to wait once you’ve decided you’re getting your body back. However, the minimum length of time patients are told to do so is six months. There are several reasons why.
Pregnancy and childbirth alone have a dramatic impact on the body. The body’s physical resources are focused on growing a healthy fetus and preparing for delivery. The nutrition that the body takes in is shared, which can deplete Mom for some time. The extent to which the body is affected by pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding is unique for every woman. The rate of recovery after these experiences is also different for each person. This rate of recovery can also be affected by the impact of motherhood on a woman’s daily life.
A woman needs sufficient time after giving birth and finishing breastfeeding to see how her body will naturally recover from its changes. In some cases, the abdomen decreases and tightens without the need for surgical repair. Weight eventually evens out and comes to a new norm, or returns to its old norm. Waiting at least six months after finishing breastfeeding allows the body to restore to the best of its abilities. Then, whatever surgical techniques are planned can achieve the best results.
As an experienced plastic surgeon known throughout Silicon Valley, Dr. Rosenthal understands the enormous emotional boost a woman can get from a Mommy Makeover. To get detailed information about which procedures may be right for you and the timing that would lead to a stress-free makeover experience, contact our Campbell, CA office at 408-840-2553.