Don’t Forget Yourself this Holiday Season
The holidays are a fun time during which we get to bestow love and gifts on those we love and appreciate. At the same time, the parties and pictures and opportunities to be seen may also make us feel a little self-conscious. There’s no time like the present for a little pampering self-care. Before the season gets into full-mayhem mode, see to it that you feel fabulous. We have a few ways to help you achieve this.
Refresh your Skin
The skin “turns over” every so often. However, not nearly as quickly as it needs to. Most adults are living beneath a nice, robust layer of dead and damaged skin cells. These cells have no real life to them so they do nothing for appearance. In fact, this layer of debris inhibits skincare products from nourishing superficial cells.
A great way to feel refreshed any time of year is to undergo fractional laser resurfacing. This quick treatment obliterates a large percentage of the epidermis. However, because the laser beam is broken up into pinpoint spots, post-treatment healing occurs much faster than it does with conventional laser resurfacing. Within 3 to 5 days after a fractional resurfacing treatment, patients are ready to be in the limelight.
Revitalize the Eyes
Age-related concerns often revolve around the eyes. There are two reasons why. First, the eyes are the first to age because skin is ultra-delicate here. Second, the eyes are what we notice most. They portray our emotions. If they look heavy or puffy, we don’t look our best.
There are several ways to revitalize the appearance of the eyes. The easiest way is with injectables. This fast, convenient treatment may involve Botox or dermal fillers or both. In a short office visit, injectables can smooth crow’s feet and frown lines. Treatment can reduce puffiness under the eyes for a younger, more energetic appearance.
Revamp the Body
Though it is facial appearance that most people want to improve before the holidays, there may also be a desire to get better body contours. Did you know that liposuction can be performed with a local anesthetic in many cases and that post-treatment downtime is only 3 to 5 days? That leaves plenty of time before now and that holiday party to revamp your shape.
Our office is conveniently located near Los Gatos and San Jose. To schedule your pre-holiday pampering, call (408) 559-4700.