Breast Lift: When It’s Time to Do Something for You
As women, we often put the needs of our families, our jobs, and our passion projects ahead of our own needs and wants. In time, we may notice an overwhelming desire to regain a sense of who we are. This often leads women into a place of interest in cosmetic procedures. The body ages; there is nothing we can do about that. What we can do, though, is lift our spirits and our confidence by addressing specific concerns. One that we routinely correct with custom treatment planning is sagging breast tissue.
The loss of fullness and firmness in the breasts is a byproduct of numerous aspects of a woman’s life. Pregnancy and weight gain expand breast tissue. Breast feeding and weight loss, and age, and hormone changes cause the skin to loosen and tissue to deflate. The culmination of these factors may cause sagging severe enough to also drop self-esteem. Breast lift surgery is an outstanding solution for many of the women we meet.
What to Know about Breast Lift Surgery
There is a common misconception that sagging breasts should be treated with breast implants. This isn’t always the right approach. Breast lift surgery alone can significantly improve appearance and without extended recovery. While soreness and swelling are a natural side effect of surgery, and patients will need to postpone their return to exercise for about 4 weeks, most normal activities can be resumed within a week or two. Then there is the matter of scarring.
There are a few incision techniques that Dr. Rosenthal may consider for breast lift procedures. Patients should expect to scar, although the extent of visibility varies widely from one person to another. Breast lift scars lighten to barely-noticeable lines over several months. Because incisions are made on the breasts, scars can be hidden beneath a bathing suit or undergarment.
Incision types include:
- The circumareolar, or donut, incision. This incision is localized around the border of the areola or colored skin that surrounds the nipple. This incision may be appropriate for the modification of nipple position, but may not facilitate access to internal breast tissue for rearranging.
- The circus vertical, or lollipop, incision. This incision extends around the areola, like the donut incision, but also reaches downward toward the crease of the breast. This mid-level incision type may be appropriate for a moderate lift, including nipple positioning.
- The traditional, or inverted key incision. This incision may also be referred to as an anchor lift. It is best suited to patients with more significant sagging and a greater need for tissue removal. The traditional incision is a combination of circumareolar and circumvertical lines, as well as a final incision across the crease of the breast.
We understand the desire for minimal scarring and discuss with patients ways to promote optimal healing after breast lift surgery.
To learn more about rejuvenating the shape of your breasts, call our office near San Jose.