Choosing the Right Breast Implants Doesn’t Have to be Difficult
Women of all ages consider breast augmentation when they want to enhance their breasts. While individual reasons can vary, the vast majority of patients who get implant are happy with their decision. We’re all about patient satisfaction and we understand what it takes to achieve it. In addition to setting realistic expectations with each patient, Dr. Rosenthal and our nurse team spend time conversing about the finer details of treatment and how they affect the outcome of the breast augmentation journey. To love your look after breast augmentation, you may need some assistance choosing the right breast implants for your body and lifestyle. Here, we discuss how to get started on the right foot.
Breast Implant Type
The first question most patients want to answer is what type of breast implant they want. Patients and doctors tend to prefer silicone models. These implants have a silicone outer shell as well as a silicone fill. This viscous gel may be thick or completely form stable, depending on the implant selected. In either situation, the primary benefit is that the implants look and feel very much like natural breast tissue. The downside is that it is difficult to tell if an implant has ruptured. To observe the integrity of silicone breast implants, patients must get MRI screenings every few years.
Saline breast implants are sterile fluid encased in a silicone shell. These implants generally cost less than silicone types, and they can be inserted with a smaller incision because they are filled after they are in the breast pocket, not before. If a saline implant ruptures, the breast noticeably deflates. This can be seen as a pro or a con. The primary disadvantage of saline implants, though, is that they tend to feel firmer than natural breast tissue and may, in some cases, look less natural, too.
Size Matters
Breast implant size is another important matter and one that may be overlooked to some extent. Women often express their desired outcome in terms of cup size. The problem is that breast implants are not measured that way, they are made to reach a certain cc of volume. Patients are welcome to bring photos to show the doctor, but also need to understand that a surgeon may view these photos through a different lens. Breast implant size is most natural-looking when it matches the proportions of the body. Petit patients may look unnatural with large implants, whereas patients with wider chests may need larger implants to reach natural-looking body proportions.
Breast implant type and size are two of the primary details that require consideration, but they aren’t the only ones. During a consultation with esteemed plastic surgeon Dr. Regina Rosenthal, you can navigate your breast augmentation process with more ease. To schedule your visit, contact our Campbell, CA office at (408) 559-4700.